Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ferreum, Ferroux, Ferrienne

VIMEO videos by Afiq Omar 

I combined exotic ferrofluid along with metallic objects around the house to craft various footage that demonstrate the properties of ferromagnetism. Shot on a 5D with the amazing 100mm f2.8 L Macro and cut on Adobe Premiere Pro.

2. Ferroux
Second installation of my ongoing series focused on analog visual effects, understanding fluid dynamics, magnetism & natural invisible forces. This time around I experimented with mixing tiny portions of ferrofluid & other chemicals, soap, alcohol, milk etc. Not for the trypophobic for sure.

3. Ferrienne
Ferienne is the third installment of an ongoing experimental study on fluid dynamics, magnetism and cymatics. These invisible forces of nature are then made visible through various liquids and mixtures, and they form patterns that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. I then manipulated these patterns to compose analog visual effects & using simple editing techniques, create motion graphics that are natural and organic. The basis of it remains simple; to create visually engaging images that are unique and can never be repeated.

I focused more on achieving clean and precise images this time around using a massive amount of material collected over the past 8 weeks. The colour palette was kept similar to that of the human skin, and the textures were manipulated using different backgrounds, further pushing the limits of trypophobia; the fear of holes.

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